In my coaching sessions I utilize a variety of techniques and approaches framing the coaching in the metaphorical container of Open Awareness (OA)—holding the liminal space between coach and client (Dangeli, 2017). Addressing the needs of my client is primary. My intention is to assist the client in moving beyond their egos into greater awareness and a higher consciousness by integrating new ideas from transpersonal psychology. Each individual’s process is addressed ecologically—nothing in their experience is denied.
The turning point in each case occur when exploring the impact of a client’s beliefs. I help each client recognize and understand how specific beliefs limited her/him from functioning optimally. I help clients recognize how their beliefs had become repetitive patterns and self-fulfilled prophecies that formed their interpretation of who they are, determined the way they live and experience their life. I help clients identify, deconstruct, and disassociate from those beliefs that are determined to be less than optimal. (Walsh & Vaughan , 1980). The necessity and purpose of beliefs is recognized, affirmed, and integrated in new, more conscious ways. Space is created for new values to emerge.