Happy Clients
Linda, South Africa
​I have found the transpersonal coaching sessions most enlightening. Having had counselling sessions with a clinical psychologist; cognitive behavioural training (CBT) sessions, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) sessions with two different practitioners as well as sessions of coaching for weight management over the past twenty-five years I honestly feel I have gained the most insight from these transpersonal coaching sessions with Margarita. The transpersonal coaching model Margarita used seem to speak more directly to me in a way that has resonated with me far more powerfully than any of the other sessions in the past.
I believe the tool of opening awareness at the start of each session is an invaluable one and I have recorded myself saying similar words to those used by my coach and am using them to initiate deep listening during my meditations.
Alice, Ireland
The creation of a liminal, open, explorative space has enabled me to access new perspectives. I see now that I have unconsciously nourished two ‘extreme’ aspects of myself to the detriment of other aspects. One is the strong warrior mother ‘solver of all problems’ and the other is the weak girl crying on the sofa. Thanks to this transpersonal perspective I could see that there is much more to me than these two polarities, and that there were many aspects of myself that have been.
neglected. I have also observed that when I am teaching, I am the best version of myself. I am not fragmented as I can be in other situations, and feel incredibly energised and self -realised when I am in the classroom. Working with Margarita in Open Space enabled me to see how I could bring this ‘teacher’ self into all aspects of life by integrating this part of her in other less empowering situations.
Faith, UK
Over the course of our sessions, I found that Margarita very skillfully pulled all the threads together and helped me to see the interconnectedness of things with much more clarity than I had before. I feel that the participatory nature of the dynamic between us, the co-creative exploration of my sense of purpose, was truly transformational and fills me with much gratitude.
The loving and accepting quality of Margarita’s attention and the feeling that she was fully invested in the process enabled the metamorphosis of sometimes difficult feelings into a place where I could see things differently and with more compassion.
Thank you, Margarita, with all my heart!
Rong, China
​I felt in love with this kind, gentle, resourceful, wise, smart lady.
I was in a very exhausting moment of my life and I was so grateful for Margarita's coach.
She gave me the freedom to decide all the themes I want to be coached. She devoted herself to the coaching with me. She often took more time on the sessions.
I appreciate that she shared her love and compassion and kindness to me. She used different tools to help me to envision the future and hold me space there strong. I really like the fact that she believes in me and the picture I envisioned even when i can't believe myself . As a transpersonal coach she can see beyond and connect the past ,present and future.
She is even better than a therapist in my eyes. She is encouraging and motivating. She values my opinion and help me to make decision better. She helped me to realize that there is a connection between the inner conflict of the different decisions. They all go to the same goal. I dare to make decision more.
She is very wise and know well about life. We share our views towards relationships and life. We made jokes and always have a good time togethers. She gave me much energy during that period of time. Magarita is a loving coach, and nurtured me during coaching. She planted a loving seeds inside me which will grow to a whole and hopefully I can lift others up in the future.
I would definitely recommend Magariat’s services.
Cristina, Madrid
​Justo en el momento en que lo necesitaba, "por casualidad", vi en PsychologyToday el perfil de Margarita. Me pareció interesante que proponía un método diverso, la psicología transpersonal y algo dentro me empujó encarecidamente a escribirle. Hemos tenido una sesión semanal durante los últimos dos meses en los cuales he aprendido a conocerme mejor, a liberarme de mis miedos y mis convicciones negativas, a cambiar patrones. Y todo de una manera muy amena. El método abarca aproximaciones de distintos campos, englobándolos y unificándolos. Margarita hace fácil el ahondar dentro de tí porque es muy cercana, transmite serenidad y tiene luz. Es súper profesional y te va llevando de la mano acompañándote por el camino para que tú descubras por tí misma lo que sea que te haga falta para solucionar las cosas. Me alegro muchísimo de haberle hecho caso a mi subconsciente y le estoy muy agradecida a Margarita por haberme hecho descubrir tantas cosas y estar mucho mejor
Alicia, Madrid
Solo quiero expresar mi gratitud a Marga por sus fantásticas sesiones de coaching. Realmente hemos abordado algunas cuestiones que pesaban mucho en mi vida, y que definitivamente me impedían continuar hacia delante. Algo parece haberse desvanecido y he tenido la oportunidad de expandir mucho más mi nivel de conciencia a través de sus sesiones. Pero sin duda independientemente de las técnicas tan eficaces y diversas que Marga utiliza, es su calidez y cercanía un factor importantísimo que ha marcado este tiempo que hemos pasado juntas ayudándome a que me viera a mí misma de una manera diferente, con mucha más empatía y compasión.
Finalmente he dado un paso muy importante dentro de mí.